Year 8
Dear Families
I hope you and your family are enjoying the summer break.
I would like to thank you for all your contributions and ongoing support throughout Y7 that helped to make the transition a smooth and successful one for the year group who have settled in to Acland Burghley very well.
As your child starts their journey in Y8, they will be expected to continue to demonstrate exceptional standards around school, both within the year group and towards the new members of our community, in order to reinforce a positive and stimulating environment for themselves and the school community.
We will continue to encourage students to take ownership of their attendance, punctuality and the way they conduct themselves in school; we expect them to model these standards through self-regulation and personal responsibility.
Our Year Team’s goal is to develop a group of high-achieving, well-rounded and resilient learners who are prepared for the wider world – Creating Excellence Together.
This will be achieved through a continued focus on students...
- Being ready to learn, through excellent attendance and punctuality, correct equipment, and sustained effort and focus in lessons.
- Maintaining a calm and purposeful environment, through the way pupils conduct themselves around school and in the classroom.
- Creating a culture of kindness and respect, through their interactions with their peers, teachers, and other members of the school community.
We will do this by ensuring high-quality teaching and support for all our learners. We will provide the students with opportunities to build upon their interpersonal skills through a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities.
Your child is supported by dedicated and passionate form tutors who will be working closely with your child this academic year. They will the first point of contact who can support you and your child with any day-to-day issues or concerns or to discuss your child’s progress.
I have high expectations for every student as I believe that each student can reach their full potential at Acland Burghley School. I expect them to come to school every day prepared for learning and to maintain high standards for attendance and punctuality.
I am excited to welcome your child back to the school community this September. I am looking forward to the successful year ahead and working in partnership with you all.
Rumana Hoque
Y8 Year Team Leader
Year Team Leader
Rumana Hoque |
Student Progress Leader
Eshu Christianson |
Lewis Goodacre |
Laura Miguel |
Megan Oliver |
Oscar Reed |
Michael Staines |
Kainath Uddin |
Bethan Williams |
Key dates
1 May 2025Y8 HPV Vaccine
Adding dates to your calendar
Individual dates
Click the relevant icon to add individual diary dates to your calendar.
In Outlook you will need to click the 'Save' button.
Subscribe to the whole calendar
Please find below instructions on how to configure some of the most popular calendar programmes to automatically display dates from the public address of the school calendar feed, which is:
Feed address: webcal://
- Outlook: Scroll down to the 'Subscribe to a calendar' section, & use the feed address above
- iPhone: click this link and follow the on-screen instructions
- Gmail / Android: follow these instructions, using the feed address above