Acland Burghley School

Online Payments

We encourage online payments so that students do not need to bring cash onto the school site.

The school has an online payment system that you can use to top up your child’s catering account from home so they can buy food in the canteen without bringing cash to school.

You can also pay for trips, revision guides and other resources available to students through this online portal. All parents/carers should have received a letter home with guidelines on how to set up their child's account and there is an Online Payments Account Guide below with more information. If you have not yet registered, please contact to receive your online link code. Through the online system you can see what your child is spending this money on. More information on how to use the system is available below in the Online Payments Quick Reference Guide.

The online payment system can be accessed using this link

Students use a PIN or their fingerprint to buy food in the canteen. The fingerprint option is much faster and doesn’t require your child to remember a PIN so we recommend it strongly.

If you have not yet signed your child up for this option, please complete the biometrics consent form below and return it to the school.