Careers education, information, advice and guidance

At Acland Burghley, we are committed to embedding careers education in a meaningful way. Careers is not an afterthought – it should inform and be informed by each aspect of the curriculum and in planning for each Key Stage. Success will look different to each of our students and they will all follow a different pathway. In order for them to make informed choices about this, we are proud to offer:

  • An extensive and varied curriculum at each Key Stage
  • A range of academic and vocational qualifications, allowing students to create a bespoke curriculum to suit their needs and goals
  • Experienced staff to support with applications of all kinds
  • A knowledgeable tutor team
  • Independent careers advisors who provide confidential and impartial advice
  • A comprehensive work experience offer
  • Excellent links to industry, universities and other HE/FE providers

Our impressive, and continually improving, destinations data is evidence of our dedication to careers and ensuring all of our young people leave Acland Burghley with high, but achievable and informed, aspirations.

Acland Burghley is committed to meeting the DfE’s Gatsby benchmark targets for careers education. Please see http://www.gatsby.org.uk/education/focus-areas/good-career-guidance for more information, or contact Ms Arunagiri.

The Baker Clause is an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act 2017 which states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to all students in Y8-Y13 to tell them about non-academic routes which are available to them. The provisions made at Acland Burghley are detailed in the Provider Access Policy on our Policies page. Since 2022, we have adapted the curriculum so that all students from Y7-Y13 are informed about the non-academic routes available to them. In summary, all students at Acland Burghley have opportunities to learn about accessing alternative routes to employment, including vocational qualifications and apprenticeships via Drop Down Days, assemblies, tutor times, work experience and careers fairs.

For more information on how Acland Burghley measures the impact of the careers programme and for the date of the school's next review of the information published, please see our CEIAG Policy on our Policies page


Careers Leader (Director of Learning for Personal Development and Equalities)
Hiri Arunagiri    harunagiri@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk 

Pathways and Progress Leaders
Hannie Clarke   hclarke@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk 
Laura Stanley   lstanley@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk 

Sixth Form Administrator and Work Experience Support
Linda Lyons   llyons@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk 

CEIAG Co-ordinator
Tracey Maker   tmaker@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk
020 7485 8515 (extension: 4033) 

Independent Careers Advisor (Tuesday-Thursday)
Glen Thomson     gthomson@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk 

For more information on the Careers Curriculum, please email harunagiri@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk or phone Hiri Arunagiri on 020 7485 8515 (extension: 3076).

Information for employers and providers

At Acland Burghley we go further than providing "one meaningful employer encounter per year, per year group" as required by the Statutory Guidance 2018. We welcome employers to get in touch with us. You will help us fulfil our objective of CREATING meaningful engagement opportunities with a range of employers showcasing the different routes to success so students confidently find their own direction. 

Providers of FE, HE and apprenticeships

As you will see in our Provider Access Statement on our Policies page, our commitment to publicising different post-16 and post-18 pathways to suit the individual needs of our pupils and students is  frequent and of paramount importance. If you are not already one of our valued partners, please get in touch.

Work experience providers

We are really grateful to the following employers who continue to work with us in ensuring high quality, meaningful work experience opportunities for students. 

  • Bread by bike
  • Parliament Hill Lido 
  • HS2
  • ARUP 
  • Mace Dragados
  • Roundhouse
  • Models 1
  • DNEG Animation 
  • Absolute Print
  • Haringey Tennis and CAfe Pavilion
  • Diverse 
  • Yahire 
  • Second Chance Charity Shop
  • Kentish Town City Farm
  • Matthew James Estate Agents 

Careers area

There is a wide range of information available for students in the Careers area of the library.

  • College and university prospectuses
  • Live apprenticeship offers
  • Information on finance related concerns/bursaries/grants
  • Gap year information
  • Advice on a range of issues related to CVs, revision, options etc.
  • Students careers folder on their desktops

How we evaluate our CEIAG programme

We regularly evaluate our CEIAG programme through the following ways: 

  • evaluation forms with students
  • evaluation forms from employers
  • attendance of those to extra curricular CEIAG events
  • feedback from focus groups with students

Key dates

Adding dates to your calendar

Individual dates
Add dates to your calendarClick the relevant icon to add individual diary dates to your calendar.
In Outlook you will need to click the 'Save' button.

Subscribe to the whole calendar
Please find below instructions on how to configure some of the most popular calendar programmes to automatically display dates from the public address of the school calendar feed, which is:
Feed address: webcal://aclandburghley.greenhousecms.co.uk/ical.ics


Careers in the curriculum

In Key Stage 3, the role of careers education is to:

  • Help students understand what is meant by ‘career’
  • Introduce the world of work
  • Help students to think about life beyond school
  • Give students information about further and higher education pathways
  • Ensure students are fully informed when making choices and decisions that affect their future careers and learning 

Y7 and Y8 encourage students to think about their futures, identify their strengths and build ambition, and Year 9 helps them to align these stregths with the GCSE options most suited to their skills and future plans.

How do we do this?

In Y7:

  • All students have a careers lesson to help them to identify their strengths and weaknesses and link them to possible future career paths.
  • The Navy provide team and skills building exercises
  • The iCould website and careers folder is available for use in the library. 

In Y8:

  • All Y8s are introduced to University by the University of Roehampton.
  • A PSHCEE/drop down day is dedicated to careers, and every Y8 attends and meets a huge range of employers.
  • Every Y8 has the opportunity to complete work experience in the general office at school, giving most of them their first taste of a work environment.

In Y9:

  • Year 9 will focus on choosing options for GCSE from Acland Burghley’s extensive range of STEM, arts, humanities and vocational courses.
  • Guidance is provided by experienced tutors and subject teachers via lessons and assemblies.
  • All Y9s attend a careers fair to help them think about how their options choices might benefit them in the future.
  • Y9s are encouraged to accompany their parents/carers to the Options Support Evening and Vocational Options Evenings.

    Useful links

    iCould buzz quiz & careers information: https://icould.com/buzz/?ref=menu

    National Careers Service (government-run site): https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/  



Careers in the curriculum

In KS4, the role of careers education is to:

  • Develop and build employability skills
  • Help students to consider their future careers & how to achieve their goals
  • Improve students’ financial knowledge
  • Support them in making important decisions about their post-16 pathways
  • Increase awareness of opportunities after Y11
  • Ensure students are fully informed when making their post-16 decisions


How do we do this?

In Y10:

  • All students have lessons in formal letter writing and job applications
  • Each student has a mock interview
  • Every student has the opportunity to undertake work experience with a range of high status companies and a huge variety of job roles

In Y11:

  • The post-16 options process is fully guided via PSHE, tutor time and assemblies
  • Experienced tutors guide students in the completion of application forms for post-16 courses.
  • All students are informed about the full range of post-16 options, including vocational and academic qualifications, and work-based training.
  • Students hear first-hand about life as an apprentice via our links with prestigious companies such as Visa.
  • Y11s take part in a careers fair including representatives from solicitors, Microsoft, Percy and Reed, King Cross Skills Centre and Francis Crick Institute.
  • Every Y11 has at least one one-to-one interview with, and support from, an independent careers advisor, and a bespoke post-16 plan drawn up.
  • Every Y11 who applies to LaSWAP has an interview with the sixth form team.
  • Experienced staff are on hand on results day and afterwards to ensure a smooth transition into KS5, and to address any unexpected outcomes.

    Useful links

    Government Apprenticeships Portal: https://amazingapprenticeships.com/

    National Careers Service (government-run site): https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/  

    Parents’ and carers’ Apprenticeship information pack: https://amazingapprenticeships.com/app/uploads/2020/09/Parent-Pack-September-2020.pdf 



Careers in the curriculum

In Sixth Form, the role of careers education is to:

  • Increase awareness of opportunities after sixth form
  • Encourage students to stay in education or work-based learning in order to improve their long-term prospects and potential
  • Inform students about careers in a range of industries
  • Keep students informed about Apprenticeships and work-based learning
  • Support students in their university applications through UCAS
  • Provide personalised advice to all sixth form students
  • Support students to find an alternative pathway if they decide that sixth form isn’t for them

Our destinations data speaks for itself. Of our 2019 cohort, 80% of our students went into further or higher education. 72% went on to higher education – over 20% above the national average for comprehensive school students in 2018 (most recent data available).


How do we do this?

In Y12:

  • All Y12s visit the UK University Search Uni and Apprenticeship Fair at the start of the academic year, and the UCAS exhibition at ExCel London in April.
  • Assemblies throughout the year feature talks from employers and providers, such as the Brokerage, and companies such as National Citizenship Service, whose activities help to improve personal statements and CVs.
  • Y12 have the opportunity to visit at least two universities by the end of the year.
  • Every student will have a one to one appointment with an independent careers advisor in the summer of Y12.
  • Experienced tutors guide their groups through the UCAS process, including registering every student with Unifrog, and bespoke personal statement support and guidance.
  • Students hear first-hand about life as an apprentice via our links with prestigious companies such as Visa.
  • Every Y12 students has the opportunity to complete work experience. We have links with high-status companies such as The Roundhouse, The Wellcome Trust, Francis Crick, UCL, BT and architects Howarth Tompkins.


In Y13: