Acland Burghley School

Year 13

The Sixth Form Team would like to congratulate all of the students who were successful in their Y12 High Stakes, modular and AS exams. We all look forward to continue working with them in Y13.

We were impressed with the attitudes and commitment of our Y12 students last year, but need to point out that all students will need to continue to work hard and indeed increase their commitment to their class work and independent studies in Y13. Experience tells us that students who achieve their potential and who gain the highest marks are those who take the greatest responsibility for their own progress. This independence of approach is an area that all students should strive to improve, building on strategies that they have started to develop during their early years of education, in their GCSEs and during Y12. Students will know from last year that they have independent study time factored in to their programmes of study; they need to continue to use this time and the study space productively and to study independently at home.

In addition to their subjects, Y13 students will be applying to UCAS or for an alternative post LaSWAP pathway. It is very important that students are proactive in their future plans. UCAS applicants need to meet the deadlines and with this in mind students need to ensure that they get their application completed as soon as possible. This will enable them to concentrate fully on their lessons and prepare for their mock and real exams.

The Sixth Form will continue to provide students with many opportunities to develop their skills, self-confidence and support them so they can reach their potential.

We hope all students work hard, focus on their studies, go the extra mile and are successful in their summer exams.

The Sixth Form Team

Year Team Leaders

Ron Stokes

Syed Ali  


Luke Browne  | 

Bhawani Daniel  | 

Jonny Holt  | 

Stella James  | 

Andrea Solot  | 

Katie Wynne  | 

 Sixth Form TLA 

Charlie Rushworth  | 


Acland Burghley is proud to be a part of the LaSWAP sixth form consortium.




Key dates

  • 24 Mar 2025
    Y13 MFL Mock Speaking
    Add Y13 MFL Mock Speaking to your calendar
  • 8 May 2025


    19 Jun 2025

    Public Exams Y13
    Add Public Exams Y13 to your calendar

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