Welcome to the governors’ section of the Acland Burghley website. Together our role is to help shape the overall direction and character of the school, monitor progress and standards, review and approve the budget, appoint and support the headteacher and senior staff, review policies and procedures and ensure the school fulfils its statutory duties.
There are several different types of governor on the Governing Body of Acland Burghley so it may be helpful to know what the different types mean and how they come to be chosen. At Acland Burghley we have 15 governors: 5 parent governors, 7 co-opted governors, 1 local authority governor, 1 staff governor and the headteacher.
Associate of the Governing Body: An associate of the Governing Body is an individual who has skills and experience which the Governing Body needs in addition to the 15 governors. Associates of the Governing Body are appointed by the governors. They attend Governing Body meetings but they are not full members of the Governing Body.
Chair of the Governing Body: The chair is a governor who has been elected by the Governing Body to lead it. S/he is elected every year. The staff governor and headteacher cannot be chair, vice chair, or chair of a committee. Any other type of governor can be elected as a chair.
Co-opted governor: This is an individual from the community who has skills and experience which the Governing Body needs. They are appointed by the existing Governing Body, following an interview. At Acland Burghley we try to think about what skills and experience we will need in the future and the overall composition and diversity of the Governing Body when we select co-opted governors.
Headteacher: The headteacher is always also a governor.
Local authority governor: Maintained schools are required to have at least one local authority governor. They do not have to work for the local authority, but they are nominated by it (in our case, Camden) and appointed by the Governing Body.
Parent governor: At Acland Burghley we conduct an election to fill a parent governor vacancy or vacancies. All parents or carers of registered pupils at the school at the time of this election are eligible to stand to become parent governors.
Staff governor: An individual who is a member of staff, usually elected by the staff, to ensure that staff views are represented on the Governing Body.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please email
Our key priorities for this year are
- raising attainment and achievement for all students;
- securing the financial future of the school and all its services;
- extending the range, visibility and quality of arts activities and student participation in them;
- and developing the school culture and ethos.
We meet regularly and non-staff governors also visit the school, making contact with the different departments and attending events and performances. We welcome contact with all those involved in the school and will be happy to hear your views on any matters of concern.
Minutes of full Governing Body meetings are available on request from
- Governors attendance 2022 23
- Governors attendance 2023 24
- Governors details
- Governors minutes FGB 23 January 2024
- Governors register of interests
- Instrument of Government September 2023
Previous Full Governing Body minutes
Academic year 2023-24
Academic year 2022-23
- 01 Acland Burghley School FGB 4 July 2023
- 02 Acland Burghley School FGB 28 March 2023 minutes
- 04 Acland Burghley School FGB 8 November 2022 minutes
- 03 Acland Burghley School FGB 24 January 2023 minutes
- 05 Acland Burghley School FGB 20 September 2022 minutes
Academic year 2021-22
- Acland Burghley School FGB 25 January 2022 minutes
- Acland Burghley School FGB 22 March 2022 minutes
- Acland Burghley School FGB 5 July 2022 minutes
- Acland Burghley FGB 9 November 2021 minutes
- Acland Burghley FGB 14 September 2021 minutes
Academic year 2020-21
- 2021 03 23 Acland Burghley FGB 23 March 2021 minutes Part 1 public no Part 2 AGREED SIGNED
- 2021 07 06 ABS FGB 6 July 2021 minutes Part 1 public no Part 2 AGREED SIGNED
- 2021 01 26 ABS FGB 26 January 2021 minutes Part 1 public AGREED SIGNED
- 2020 11 10 ABS FGB 10 November 2020 minutes Part 1 public AGREED SIGNED
- ABS FGB 15 September 2020 minutes Part 1 public no Part 2 AGREED SIGNED
Academic year 2019-20
- 2020 07 07 ABS FGB 7 July 2020 minutes Part 1 public AGEED SIGNED
- 2020 03 31 ABS FGB 31 March 2020 minutes
- 2020 01 21 ABS FGB 21 January 2020 minutes
- Full Governing Body minutes for 28 May 2020
- 2019 11 12 ABS FGB 12 November 2019 minutes
- 2019 09 10 ABS FGB 10 September 2019 minutes
Academic year 2018-19
- 2019 07 10 ABS FGB 10 July 2019 minutes
- 2019 04 03 ABS FGB 3 April 2019 minutes
- 2019 01 23 ABS FGB 23 January 2019 minutes
- 2018 11 06 ABS FGB 6 November 2018 minutes
- 2018 09 12 ABS FGB 12 September 2018 minutes
Academic year 2017-18
- 2018 07 04 ABS FGB 4 July 2018 minutes
- 2018 03 28 ABS FGB 28 March 2018 minutes
- 2018 01 24 ABS FGB 24 January 2018 minutes
- 2017 11 07 ABS FGB 7 November 2017 minutes
- 2017 09 20 ABS FGB 20 September 2017 minutes
Key committee terms of reference
Clerk to Governing Body
Nadina Bedlow
Local authority nominated Governor
Local authority nominated governor (ID 1194)
David BrownLocal authority nominated Governor
David Brown
Type of Governor:
Local authority nominated governorWhat this means: I have lived in Kentish Town for over ten years and was a governor for a local primary school for over five years.
A little about me: I have worked in the public sector for in various roles including in Number 10, the Department for Transport and most recently in the Department for Education. I most recently spent a year working on the government's Covid response, overseeing adaptations to qualifications and creating the NHS Track and Trace app. I've also held various roles working in Africa, focusing on strategy, analysis and governance reform, working in Uganda, South Sudan and Nigeria. I love to travel, read, cycle and explore all that London has to offer!
As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve: I am keen to support the school to raise attainment levels and ensure teachers have all they need to succeed and progress. I am interested in teacher development, using data to identify and support those children most in need and ensuring the school is focused on overcoming the problems caused by the pandemic. I am passionate about championing neuro-divergence after discovering late in life that I am dyslexic, dyspraxic and have ADHD. I think it is important that we support such children to discover their unique strengths and be proud of them.
Co-opted Governors
Dr Kim IssroffCo-opted Governor and chair of Governors
Dr Kim Issroff
Type of Governor
Co-opted governor and chair of governorsA little bit about me
I have been a governor at several schools and chair of governors at my children's primary school. I have completed a Governors' leadership course and understand and have experience of almost all aspects of governance.I have over 25 years of experience of research in educational technology in a wide range of education settings from early years to large open online courses. I am particularly interested in the social aspects of learning and the role that technology can play in mediating relationships.
As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
I value inclusion and wish that all schools were as inclusive as Acland Burghley. As a governor, I want to ensure that all children feel happy and safe and are supported in our school to grow, develop and achieve. In order for this to happen, we need a broad curriculum that is flexible; talented, skilled and supported staff; efficient and effective financial management; and behaviour management processes that take into account the individuals involved and focus on the development of the children and the adults. -
Sheila ChapmanCo-opted Governor
Sheila Chapman
Type of Governor:
Co-opted Governor to represent the community, with special responsibility for SafeguardingWhat this means
As the safeguarding link governor, I need to be satisfied that the school's policies and systems work to keep students safe and to enable them to achieve the best possible outcomes. I do this in a number of ways including coming in to school regularly to meet with the school's designated safeguarding lead and chairing termly attendance and behaviour panels. The panels are a really constructive opportunity for governors to meet students and their families to find ways to support students to meet attendance and behaviour expectations and, in so doing, realise their full potential.A little bit about me
I am a solicitor and worked for twenty years in the investment banking industry. In May 2018 I was elected as a local councillor in Islington which is where a lot of Acland Burghley students live. I chair the Children's Services Scrutiny Committee. I worked for five years as an independent monitor at Pentonville prison. I enjoy writing fiction and running and swimming in Hampstead Heath as well as spending time with my three young children.
As Governor at Acland Burghley
I'd like to work with everyone who is part of the school community to make Acland Burghley a place where all students, whatever their background, set ambitious targets for themselves - whether they be creative, academic or vocational - and receive full support to achieve them.
Alan ChestersCo-opted Governor
Alan Chesters
Type of Governor:
Co-opted governor, Chair of Resources CommitteeWhat this means
The Committee monitors the school's finances, staffing and premises (including Health & Safety).A little bit about me
I am a retired Human Resources executive, and a long standing School governor in Camden.As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
As governor at Acland Burghley School, I would like to assist it in achieving a recognition of its Outstanding provision whilst remaining an inclusive and community orientated organisation. -
Jonathan Eifion-JonesCo-opted Governor
Jonathan Eifion-Jones
Type of Governor:
Co-opted Governor – Resources CommitteeWhat this means:
The Resources Committee monitors the school’s finances, staffing and premises.A little about me:
I am a qualified Chartered Accountant and retired Chief Financial Officer. I have extensive risk, operational, governance and change management experience.
Currently I am a Trustee and Finance and Premises Chair for First Rung Limited, a charity that provides high quality training and education for disadvantaged young people with a view to improving their employment prospects.
I have one elder daughter who has completed her education, including university and I also have 3 young daughters at primary school.
As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve:
I am passionate about people development/education and hope that by utilising my accumulated broad skills I can contribute to the efficient running and maintenance of high standards at Acland Burghley.
Edward ElliottCo-opted Governor
Edward Elliott
Type of Governor
Co-opted GovernorWhat this means
I am responsible for supporting the school to have strong governance structures, ensuring that we have the people, purpose and process to reduce accidents or risksand deliver even greater opportunities for students and staff.A little bit about me
I am Director for Public Sector at Nurole, a company trying to create a more inclusive and transparent approach to headhunting. Previous to this I worked in technology consulting and in education. I live locally to Acland Burghley - just round the corner. My hobbies are hiking, cinema and going to museums.As a Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
I would like to support students and staff to feel like they learn and work in a culture that supports them to be fully themselves, supporting them to achieve the best and most they can. -
Rachel HermerCo-opted Governor
Rachel Hermer
Type of Governor:
Co-opted governor, AEN Link GovernorWhat this means
I am responsible for having understanding and oversight of how well the school meets the needs of our pupils with special educational needs and/or disability.A little bit about me
I work for a charity that supports primary schools to challenge gender stereotypes, delivering teacher training and developing strategy. (I also enjoy reading, cooking, keeping vaguely fit and being with my family.)As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve: continual challenge and support to the school leadership, particularly around excellent teaching and learning, AEN, inclusion and equality, so that provision becomes better and better.
Jenna JuliusCo-opted Governor
Jenna Julius
Type of governor:
Co-opted governorWhat this means
I'm an individual from the community who has skills and experience that the governors feel the Governing Body needs.A little bit about me
I work as an Economist for an education charity where i use data and statistical methods to gain insights into what works in the education system. My current research focuses on the extent to which the structure of the education system affects the quality of education, school funding and the progression of young people from education to employment.As a governor at Acland Burghley I'd most like to achieve....
I am lucky enough to be joining Acland Burghley at a very exciting time and I hope to support the school in continuing to thrive and provide all its pupils with the opportunities to develop and achieve their potential.
Parent Governors
Sebastian GardinerParent Governor
Sebastian Gardiner
What this means:
I was elected to be a parent governor in March of this year. I’m due to embark on some training soon and am relishing the opportunity to contribute to the governance of the school over the next 4 years.A little bit about me
I am a single parent with a son in year 8. I grew up in Kentish Town and went to William Ellis, and then to LaSWAP . I went to University as a mature student and am now a criminal barrister at a leading London set and run training and education in my chambers.
I’m passionately committed to the principle that state schools provide the best possible environment for children from all backgrounds to learn and to prosper. I have a keen interest in education policies (and politics) and I’m greatly concerned about national exclusion levels, the increase of grammar and academy schools and the 11 plus.
As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
AB is an excellent example of what multi-cultural modern inner city comprehensive can be. I want to help ensure it remains so.
I am particularly interested in the school’s approach to exclusion, student welfare and the impact of social media and online activities. I’d also like to find ways to use my involvement in the Criminal Justice System to assist pupils to understand the law and to avoid entering the criminal justice system.
Beckie HerbertParent Governor
Beckie Herbert
Type of Governor:
Parent governorWhat this means:
I am member of the Resources Committee and also the Health and Safety link governor.A little bit about me
I have a son in year 9. In my work life, I'm a communications specialist and I run my own business advising companies on environmental and social issues. I've worked with all types of organisations from housebuilders to mobile operators, retailers, TV channels and even the Olympics. I once spent a year as a high school teacher in Japan.I grew up in the local area and benefited from attending two Camden state schools. I want every child to get a great education whatever their background, learning style or educational needs. I believe that schooling should prepare kids for life (not just exams), giving them opportunities to gain practical, social and communications skills alongside academic ones.
As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
Acland Burghley is a fantastic school with a great ethos. As a governor, I want to be a 'critical friend' - challenging and supporting the school to keep improving, and sharing what I've learnt from my work where it can benefit the school.
Monét JohnsonParent Governor
Monét Johnson
What this means:
I am a newly appointed Parent Governor and I will also be exploring being a part of one of the committees.
A little bit about me
I am the Manager of a Residential Children’s Home. Within my role I work closely with a wide range of professionals to ensure that children have positive experiences regardless of their background and grow up with the skills to live enriched lives.
As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
School is where our children spend a significant amount of time during a period of their life where there are many changes happening for them. As a Govenor I would like to ensure that Acland Burghley offers a high level of support during times where students may be struggling, supporting parents and children to bridge any gaps in education. It is also important to me that the school remain consistent in their approach, supporting the staff to do so also.
Dr Rachel WranghamParent Governor
Dr Rachel Wrangham
Type of Governor:
Parent governorWhat this means
I have three children in Camden schools - my eldest was at ABS from Y7-11, and my youngestis currently in Y7 at ABS. I work for the Open University in adult education. I'm currently a governor at Kentish Town Primary, where I've been Vice Chair, Chair of the Curriculum and Monitoring committee and Safeguarding governor. I'm also involved in all sorts of education-related projects more widely in Camden - I'm a co-opted member of the Council's Scrutiny Committee for Children, Schools and Families, and am currently a member of a panel looking at SEND provision and outcomes in Camden.
A little bit about me
My main interests are inclusion and ambition. As a governor, I would do my best to ensure that neurodiverse children and children of all abilities receive the best possible support and education at ABS, and that the school has the highest possible aspirations for them.As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
I'm also deeply involved in a range of different local environmental and sustainability projects - I helped to set up 'The Sustainers' a few years back, and to get solar panels for Kentish Town School - and I would bring these skills and interests to ABS as well. -
VacancyParent Governor
Staff Governor
Marita YoungStaff Governor
Marita Young
Nicholas JohnHeadteacher
Nicholas John
Type of Governor:
HeadteacherWhat this means
The Governing Board is my employer. Their role is to support me to lead the school. My role is to give them the information to continue to fulfil this role really effectively, and to hold me and my colleagues to account.A little bit about me
I qualified as an English teacher in 1999, and have worked in mixed, community, comprehensive schools ever since. From 1999 to 2009, I worked in Norfolk. I moved to London in 2009, and joined Acland Burghley as Headteacher in 2015.As Governor at Acland Burghley School, I'd most like to achieve
Creating Excellence Together
Associate of the Governing Body
Josie SmallingAssociate of the Governing Body
Josie Smalling
Type of Governor:
Associates of the Governing BodyWhat this means
I serve on the Teaching and Learning committee and sit on behaviour panels as well. I also sit on attendance panels each term with the Attendance Officer. I am passionate about keeping students within school rather than excluding them.A little bit about me
I am a qualified hairdresser and taught both hairdressing and barbering in an FE college for 16 years. I have four children, all of whom have gone to Acland Burghley. I have been a governor at Acland Burghley for over 8 years. I am Islington born and bred and have lived in the borough all my life. I have a deep commitment to social justice in education. I enjoy yoga and pilates in my spare time.