Acland Burghley School

Y9 Pathways Launch and Parents’ Evening

We are looking forward to welcoming Parents, Carers and Families to the launch of the Pathways Process on Thursday 14 November.

Parents can arrive from 5.45pm with the event talks starting at 6pm in our Assembly Hall.  

Throughout the evening you will hear important information from key staff that will ensure you can support your child to make the most informed decision about their subject choices for Key Stage 4.

Below is the Pathways Process Key Dates:

Thursday 14 November at 6pm: Pathways Launch Evening

Monday 13 January: Pathways Form and Submission deadline sent to families

Monday 27 January: Deadline to submit forms to Deputy Headteacher

Monday 10 February: Pathways advice meetings for selected families

Friday 28 February: Final deadline of choices following advice meetings

Y9 Parents’ Evening is taking place on Thursday 12 December.  You will receive an individual progress report ahead of the evening.  This will help support  and guide your meetings with subject teachers. Do use this evening as an opportunity to discuss current progress and, to ask any questions around what will help students be successful in subjects in Y10.

Now is the time to be thinking and making sure that academic achievement in Y9 lays the very best foundation for GCSE success. This is an exciting time for Y9 students and their families.

Annie Parkin
Deputy Headteacher
Extension number: 3049