Acland Burghley School

Y9 – Pathways Launch

Thursday 22 February

The next few months are a very important time for students in the Y9 cohort as they embark on the next stage of their education. Whilst it may still seem pretty early on in the year for the students, they will soon be making important decisions around their pathways and choices as they start the move from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4. 

We want to ensure that both parents and students can be as informed as possible to support the decision making when the time comes to finalise the choices the students will make. 

The Y9 students have already started thinking about how the curriculum and subjects will be different for them. Assemblies from departments have  been underway since October and students have been able to see how subjects differ in terms of content, delivery and assessment from Key Stage 3. The assembly programme coupled with direct conversations with teachers about what to expect are both very valuable sources to ensure the most appropriate choices are made moving forward for each individual.

On Thursday 22 February 2024 parents and students in Y9 are invited to attend the launch of the Pathways Process. We use the word ‘pathways’ as it suggests more than just a choice or an ‘option’; it suggests a journey, and most importantly, a destination that the students will reach at the end of their education.

The evening will begin at 6pm in the Assembly Hall. You will hear important information from key staff that will ensure you can support your child to make the most informed decision about their subject choices for Key Stage 4.

Planning a curriculum for students that is creative, enriching, flexible and, allows all of our students a pathway to success for their future is key. It is important therefore that we are able to elicit early information so we can plan the possible curriculum models to suit our students not only in Y10 but across the school. 

Below is the Pathways Process Key Dates:

Thursday 1 February 4.30-7pm: Parents’ Evening 

Friday 2 February: Students' ‘first thoughts’ questionnaire

Thursday 22 February 6pm: Pathways Launch Evening

Friday 8 March: Deadline for students to submit chosen options

Monday 25 March: Pathways advice meetings if needed

Thursday 28 March: Final deadline of choices following advice meetings

Following the February meeting you can see that there are a series of follow up meetings and conversations that can offer continued support to you all. 

Now is the time to be thinking hard and making sure that academic achievement in Y9 lays the very best foundation for GCSE success. This is an exciting time for Y9 students and their families.

Annie Parkin
Director of Learning – KS3
Extension number: 3049