Acland Burghley School

Y8 HPV 2nd dose

For all Y8 students

We are writing to inform you about Y8 HPV 2nd dose Vaccination taking place in school on Friday 26 May 2023.

If your child had their 1st dose already in school they will automatically receive the 2nd dose so you do not need to do anything.

If your child has not had their 1st dose they can have this done on the same day.

There is a new way for parents/carers to consent their child’s school-aged vaccinations, including the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

The new electronic consent (e-consent) process is easy, secure and convenient.

Please register on the eConsent portal where you will be able to indicate your consent for the HPV vaccine. If you have previously registered, then please just log in.

Further information can be found at 

For 1st dose vaccine ONLY please consent by Monday 22 May 2023.

If you are experiencing problems please call the immunisation team below.

With best wishes

Central Administration Team


Child Immunisation Service team contact details

For the Camden school-based immunisation service, please contact the inner London Immunisation Team.
Telephone: 020 3317 5076 (Immunisation office) or 020 3317 5074 (Immunisation Nurse).