Acland Burghley School

Y8 – Core Subject Information Evening

Thursday 11 May 5.30pm

We are looking forward to seeing Y8 parents and carers at the Core Subject Information Evening on Thursday 11 May beginning at 5.30pm.

This event will take place in the Assembly Hall. Parents can arrive any time from 5.15pm onwards and we will begin promptly at 5.30pm.

This evening will be an opportunity for parents to hear from Subject Leaders in English, Maths and Science on what to expect in these subjects as your child makes the transition from Y8 to Y9. The evening will provide you with relevant information on curriculum coverage, assessment and how you might support your child. This evening is primarily aimed at parents and carers but should you want you child to attend, they are welcome.

If you are unable to attend on this evening, the information and resources will be uploaded to the Y8 Year Team area of the website.

Do contact Will Allen or myself if you have any questions. 

Annie Parkin
Director of Learning  KS3
Extension number: 3049