Acland Burghley School

Y7 and Y8 Reading Age Assessments

Week Beginning 6 November 2023

I would like to firstly introduce myself as the new Librarian and Curriculum Support Team Manager for Creative Arts and Science.

My role at Acland Burghley started in September and the library space is developing into an engaging learning environment for students in all Key Stages. 

I have been focussing the first half term on reorganising the existing resources, ensuring that they are accessible and appropriate for our diverse school community, and managing the space to make it the most conducive environment for learning.

This half term, my focus will be on The Accelerated Reader initiative. This supports our students to engage with the vast literature within their reading-based English lessons. It also promotes our ethos of reading beyond the classroom for enjoyment and pleasure.  

As part of the initiative, we assess the current reading ages of our students using Star Reader. The assessment provides us with a chronological reading age. All of Y7 and Y8 will be completing this in the week beginning 6 November in their allocated reading lessons.

Knowing each student’s current reading age, allows me to develop, build, inspire and nurture the library along with each individuals reading choices. This supports the school to target intervention to develop literacy skills through quality first teaching in the classroom and beyond through targeted intervention. 

I look forward to working with all students to support them to read a diverse mix of literatures, authors and genres throughout their time here. We have developed a solid reading culture to frame and support our overall expectations for achievement across all key stages, and I look forward to continuing the work on this with student feedback and input

If you have any queries or feedback, please feel free to send me an email.

Sabrina Elliott
Librarian and Curriculum Support Manager