Acland Burghley School

Y7 Introduction to the OAE

Wednesday 18 September

On Wednesday 18 September, all Y7 students will be taking part in a one hour workshop introducing them to our wonderful orchestra, The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE). The X side of the year will do their workshop during period 3 and the Y side during period 4.

In period 5 on the same day, there is an opportunity for all students who play instruments outside school to take part in a fun jamming session with the OAE and find out more about music opportunities at Acland Burghley. If your child plays an instrument, please can they bring it into school on this day. Instruments must be in a case and labelled with full name and tutor group.

If your child plays the piano, please email by 16 September so we can plan for keyboards. We will make arrangements for any student who is not able to carry their instrument with them during the day to store them until period 5. We know we have over 75 students in Y7 who play instruments outside school and we are delighted to start making music together!  

Anna Rimington 
Director of Learning – KS5 & OAE Liaison