Y11 LaSWAP application deadline: Friday 28 February
A reminder that LaSWAP applications close on Friday 28 February. Please support your child to make an application before the deadline.
The application link is https://laswap.applicaa.com/year12. Students should sign in using the details given to them by their form tutor. Please contact their form tutor if they do not know their login details. Form tutor details can be found here: https://www.aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk/Curriculum/Year-11/
Application Timeline Summary
Date |
Action |
Tuesday 4 February |
Y11 Y band interviews |
Thursday 6 February |
Y11 X band interviews – Period 5 |
Friday 28 February |
Application form closes |
Easter break |
Conditional offers issued |
Thursday 21 August |
GCSE Results Day & LaSWAP enrolment |
If you have any questions about LaSWAP, please email me. You can find out about our entry requirements, curriculum offer and more at https://www.laswap.camden.sch.uk/
You can also find information about the types of qualifications offered across Camden and the range of providers in our borough via the Camden prospectus: https://indd.adobe.com/view/9c3f0f97-228c-46a8-ac81-83bfb09ff5e9
Laura Pearcey
Associate Director of LaSWAP/Pathways and Progress Leader