Family bulletins
Autumn 2024
Issue 14
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Next week’s festive events, end of and start of term plans and Camden's Holiday Activities and Food programme link.
Issue 13
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Supporting learning at home, 3 days left of the Big Give, end of term arrangements and the Winter Concert invite.
Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: support services available, doubling your Hall for All donation next week, new clubs and the KS5 Musical.
Issue 11
In this issue of the Families bulletin: LaSWAP Open Evening, Message from the Headteacher, KS3 Cross Country and the Big Give Christmas Challenge.
Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Drop Down Day on Monday, the new band club, SEND Information Evening and the Big Give Christmas Challenge.
Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Anti-Bullying Season including Odd Socks Day on Tuesday, new clubs in STEM, rugby and defence and the latest information from the SEND Faculty.
Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Later start on Monday 4 November, our Teaching and Learning strategies and the half term activities available externally and in school.
Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: supporting your child’s wellbeing, Saturday library opening, abPTA Chilli night and half term activities.
Issue 6
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Y9 Pathways event, upcoming PD sessions, cinema at school for charity, Y11 key dates and new clubs available.
Issue 5
In this issue of the Families bulletin: important changes to the law regarding attendance, new sixth form notices and upcoming clubs.
Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: good homework practices, upcoming PD topics, the new Opportunities Centre, extended library hours and more clubs.
Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: next week’s early closure reminder for Wednesday 25 September, Black History Season plan, key dates for Y7, Y8 and Y9 and more new clubs.
Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: our new Student Services, library and media suite areas, more clubs and the Artsmark Platinum Award.
Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: a warm welcome back, the photography schedule for Monday and the new clubs timetable for the Autumn term.
Summer 2024
Issue 13
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Tomorrow's Creating Excellence event, another chance to sponsor the Brutal Walk and a list of free or low cost holiday activities for young people locally.
Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: An invite to the awards evening, art exhibition and abPTA BBQ on Friday 19 July and how to sponsor the Brutal Walk.
Issue 11
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Celebrating Sporting Success, Canteen survey, next steps for Y11 families and details of the Brutal Debate.
Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: introducing the New Deputy Heads, more on the Creating Excellence evening and art exhibition and an update on the Brutal Walk and Festival.
Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Attendance and engagement in the final weeks, an invite to the Creating Excellence event and key stage updates.
Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: the latest Headteacher's letter, the Lion King and other upcoming shows and the Sports Day plan.
Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: PD Drop Down Day plan, a reminder of next week’s early closure and information on a Volunteer Charity Treasurer role.
Issue 6
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Supporting your child through exams and assessments, Lion King Jr. musical info and half term activities.
Issue 5
In this issue of the Families bulletin: How every moment matters in school attendance, a new Youth MP and Celebrating Diversity on Tuesday 21 May.
Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Celebrating Diversity on Tuesday 21 May, an introduction from the new Librarian and an early closure date next month.
Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Summer extra-curricular clubs, canteen changes and a Live at the Hex #4 invite for Friday 10 May.
Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: photos from last night's Hall for All event, the focus areas for Summer term and extra-curricular opportunities.
Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: an invite to an evening of performance, music and comedy for a Hall for All, new canteen menu and upcoming clubs.
Spring 2024
Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: how we will be marking Autism Acceptance Week, the new Parent Governors and the Dance Show booking link!
Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: mobile phones in school, a reminder of the Parent Governor elections and tomorrow's fundraiser disco.
Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: what's been happening in PD, your chance to elect a new Parent Governor and details of new clubs.
Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: the KS5 Assessment Cycle, our programme for next week's World Book Day and details of a new Graphic Novel club.
Issue 6
In this issue of the Families bulletin: this week's successes, a Parent Governor vacancy and an invite to the Quiz Night on Thursday 29 February.
Issue 5
In this issue of the Families bulletin: supporting everyone in our community to attend school, the upcoming Y9 Pathways Launch and fundraising events.
Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: INSET Day reminder, Independent Learning in the school term and over the break and Camden Youth MP elections.
Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Y9 Pathways process and key dates, Y7-Y9 cross country information and LaSWAP application interviews reminder.
Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Behaviour for Learning, new clubs and upcoming Parents' Evenings and events.
Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: a reminder of the Home School Agreement, the OAE PULSE programme and T Level Information Evening details.
Autumn 2023
Issue 13
In this issue of the Families bulletin: end of and start of term plans, an OAE opportunity for young musicians and Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day information.
Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: festive end of term treats, attendance in the last 2 weeks and a holiday activities and food programme link.
Issue 11
In this issue of the Families bulletin: how to support your child with independent learning, new clubs and an invite to the Christmas Concert!
Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Ofsted's final report, supporting your child to do well, an INSET Day reminder and new film making clubs.
Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: a reminder of next week's INSET Day, how we covered Anti-Bullying Week, an upcoming cooking club and nasal flu vaccination information.
Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: making the most of Parents' Evening, the dates of all Parents' Evenings and the updated PE Clubs timetable.
Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: new clubs, the plan for Drop Down Day on Monday 6 November and key upcoming dates for all year groups.
Issue 6
In this issue of the Families bulletin: a thank you to all students and families, maintaining our culture of safeguarding and upcoming Parent Workshops.
Issue 5
In this issue of the Families bulletin: a letter on talking to students about global conflicts, the big impact of lateness to school and lessons and an invite to the abPTA Chilli Night on Thursday 19 October.
Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: school closure on Monday 9 October for Inset Day, Black History Season and Personal Development, plus upcoming cooking clubs.
Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Tube strikes arrangements, Autumn Term behaviour focus, applying for FSM and new clubs.
Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: 'Our' OAE, new clubs and a wealth of Work Experience opportunities for students.
Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: early closure next Wednesday 20 September, updated clubs timetable and ensuring student success.
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