Acland Burghley School

Start of term arrangements

Monday 6 January: INSET day – school closed to students
Tuesday 7 January: School starts for all students at 8.35am

As a school we are supporting the students to be self-regulating young people who can take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. We are developing students to be mature in their attitude and thinking, who are proud to be members of our community, and can take guidance both from school and at home.

I would like to remind you of our expectations on mobile phones. Our expectation is that they are switched off and in bags for the duration of the school day. We understand that students inform parents via their phones when they arrive at school; this can be done outside the school gate before entering. Students are not permitted to use their phones at any time in the school and we are encouraging them to work through our school systems. If you need to make contact with your child, you should contact the school reception on 0207 485 8515, and a message will be taken to them.

Without exception, we have the highest standards of our students and I would like to remind parents and carers of some of our expectations. These enable students to continue to develop independence and healthy learning habits.

Students should:
• Attend school every day and be punctual, all students should arrive in school for 8.35am.
• Be prepared for learning and ensure they have the following basic equipment in their bags every day:

* Planner (with timetable)
* 2 x Pens
* 2 x Pencils
* Ruler
* Eraser
* Calculator
* Glue
* Reading book
* Specialist subject equipment should be brought in on days when it is required (e.g. dance and PE kit)

• Take pride in their work – make sure their books are kept in good condition and that the work they are putting in them is neat.
• Work hard in all their lessons and produce the high standard of work they know they are capable of.

Annie Parkin
Deputy Headteacher 
Extension number: 3049