Acland Burghley School

Languages Summer Challenge success

Students in KS3 were given a variety of tasks to choose from to keep up with their language learning over the summer break. We have been very pleased with the breadth of activities undertaken with special mention to the following students. 

Many students listened to music in the foreign language with Henry H learning to play Despacito on his sax whilst Maxi and Sidney preferred to listen to some Spanish rap. Others enjoyed cooking some typical dishes – Nommi’s family sent in a 5 star review of her burritos. 

Some students investigated countries where the language is spoken – Harvey O’B chose to make a fact file on Quebec, whilst Muhamed and Linus choose South American countries. 

Louie T studied Monet’s Waterlilies and then drew his own version. 

One of the most popular activities was watching films and series in the foreign language with subtitles and many students used Duolinguo on a daily basis. Hats off to Jake who has a streak over 150 days! 

Hallie was the most impressive student for Ms Smith. She completed Duolinguo every day, watched programmes with Spanish subtitles, looked up Pablo Neruda and read 3 of his poems, read Caperucita roja (Little Red Riding Hood) in Spanish and made tacos for her family.  

Ms Jacobs wants to give a special shout out to the following students in her Y8 class who went the extra mile and completed many of the tasks on the activity mat Emmanuel, Polly, Karolina, Tatiana, Zainab, Sohaib, Alice, Anna and Jack. 

Many students produced amazing pieces of work and learnt a lot of new vocabulary in French. The following are a selection from Ms James.

Henry H Great did a great rendition of la Vie en Rose on his saxophone and wonderful baking of French pastries.

Zach and Seth L read French poetry and made Soupe à l’onion and Poulet dauphinois.

Sidney Wwho did lots of duolingo and learnt some French rap!

Luka W learnt lots of new phrases in French.

Daniel E made a delicious salade niçoise.

Arturo Y read and understood the poem le petit-déjeuner and did  great research on Belgium.

All of these activities are a great way to enjoy the culture and improve the language skills of students. We hope you will encourage them to continue throughout the year doing that little bit extra to enjoy the culture of the language they are learning.