Acland Burghley School

LaSWAP Taster Day

Friday 28 June at La Sainte Union School,

Mark this date in your diaries for LaSWAP Taster Day! Taster Day allows Y11s to mix with students from across LaSWAP and all over London, learn more about subjects they are interested in, experience A Level and vocational teaching and meet lots of subject teachers and LaSWAP staff.  It is a really important day that supports Y11 students to make decisions about the courses they want to take next year.

Full information about Taster Day, including timings and how to sign up for subject sessions, will be out soon.  For now, if you have any questions please contact or

We are looking forward to seeing you all there!

Laura Pearcey (Stanley)
Associate Director of LaSWAP/Pathways and Progress Leader